Flare Coin Ripple Air Drop By Bit Listed Exchange Mobile Payment Method From Sale to Upbit Deposit

Hello, I’m Camak Leaf.Bitcoin is not that bad today, either. I hope it will continue to rise, but in fact, everyone says that bitcoin has a half-life of four years. The low point is likely to come out again soon, and there is a hope that it will succeed in rebounding after the low point and draw a right-up pattern. Flare Coin-Bibit Exchange

This test will be examined by the method of moving money to the flash coin-bybit transaction center.I think that the FLR token of the lipid is completed in the lipl (XRP) coin air drop, but I think that you can come to cash.The reason for the Bbit transaction in many transactions, which I recommend that I can’t deal with a large derivative products that can not be sold in the world.If you pass through the uplink rule, you can also be able to pay for the KYC (identification) can be paid without any problems.If you register from the link below, you can receive a fee for 20 percent discount.Let’s join me to move slowly and move the coin.BITION REGISTRIBUTION LINEARY LEVEL FOR 20 percent

Welcome to Bybit | Register, trade and earn high rewards | Welcome to Bybit Bybit. Start your encryption journey by creating accounts to trade and earn rewards. Sign up safely now at your phone number or email.partner.bybit.com

Welcome to Bybit | Register, trade and earn high rewards | Welcome to Bybit Bybit. Start your encryption journey by creating accounts to trade and earn rewards. Sign up safely now at your phone number or email.partner.bybit.com

If you access from the link above, the membership registration page will be displayed. Please proceed with the registration by e-mail or mobile phone number, and above all, please make sure that the code is filled out well in the Promo or Referral Code section. Usually it is filled out automatically, but if not, please enter the 26815 code. Only then can the commission discount be applied. KYC is required for deposit and withdrawal

KYC procedures are required for deposit and withdrawal. The reason is to enforce the Upbeat Travel Rule. Please make sure to perform identity verification by clicking the Account & Security – Identity Verify Now button on My Page in Bibit.

There is no problem if you proceed to Lv.1 for identity verification. My belongings are identification cards. Also, it is recommended to take selfies and upload them on mobile or smartphone environments rather than PCs. You can use only one official identification card, such as a license, resident registration card or passport. If you take a picture before and after your ID card and upload a selfie, the application will be completed, and it will usually be completed within 10 minutes until approval. BYBIT: Announcement of FLR listing

This time, Vibit also air-dropped the token to the ripple holder. If you actually have a ripple at the time of the snapshot, you can confirm that there are FLR coins in your Vibit account. At that point, I was surprised to see coins in it that I had never seen before, perhaps because they traded futures with ripple.

Today, I have to list of the Bits in today.You can check the time on the red box display, but it’s time is a little confusing.When you convert to Korea time, the payment started from 9th, the time of the payment was started from 9th.m.Therefore, if you have FLR coins in the current uplinks, you can pay the current backup bit transaction place.The start time is only one hour in January 10, 2023, and the remaining time in January 10, 2023.

In the case of Upbit, withdrawal support started today at 11 a.m. on January 10, 2023, and withdrawal is currently available. Now, I will explain how to move and withdraw money by bibit. It’s not that difficult, so if you follow me slowly, I can do it easily. Here we go. Upbit→bibit movement methodFirst of all, you have to get the deposit address from Vibit. Once you have registered as a member, logged in and KYC (identification), please click on the assets in the upper right corner and click the Deposit button. Deposit means deposit, which is a menu used to deposit assets from other exchanges.Then, the deposit screen will appear like the one above. At first, the coin is BTC, but if you search and click on the FLR symbol that we deposit, a QR code and deposit address will be generated on the right. The long address in English and numbers is the deposit address. Please copy and paste the address directly on the upbit withdrawal screen where you enter the withdrawal address.Let’s move on to Upbeat. I think the average time when airdrops were provided was around 5-6 p.m. yesterday. In fact, if you see FLR coins in the asset status in the deposit and withdrawal, think of them as having ripple at the time of snapshot and receiving air drops. Now, let’s look at how to withdraw upbit.After starting the Upbit app, click the deposit and withdrawal menu at the bottom, search for FLR, and click when the coin appears. Then go to the right screen. Please press the withdrawal button here and proceed with the withdrawal immediately.Please press the confirmation button on the payment, press the confirmation button.After that, the withdrawal screen appears like the middle picture.I would like to pay the amount of money I want to pay the bottom, but press the maximum button to press the check button.The following screen displays the type of wallet and receive a recipient address.The transaction place is only a transaction place, but we will pay the Bbit and then press the address in the part of the recipient bit.After that all, all the payment procedure will complete the payment procedure.* Please always pay the KYC authentication before the KYC approval is completely completed.In fact, the fact, it is processed within 10 minutes after the identity and update bits in the bbit transaction center and the backup bit identification of the time.If the FRLR withdrawal, please refer to the following.How to cash itIf the FLR coin is successfully deposited, you can sell it on the transaction screen at 1 p.m. when the coin starts supporting transactions. Then, I think you have assets in USDT, so please purchase XRP (Ripple) and send XRP coins upbit. In the same way, please receive the deposit address from Upbit and enter it on the Vibit withdrawal screen. If you have any difficulties in that part, please contact us via Telegram below. I will help you kindly.I explained how to withdraw money from Flare Coin Up Bit Air Drop. If you are new to the withdrawal process, I think there will be some difficulties. If you have any questions, please contact us via Telegram below. Telegram will also share various bit market conditions and information, so please participate. Thank you.You can participate by watching @k_koin from the right away.t.meYou can participate by watching @k_koin from the right away.t.meYou can participate by watching @k_koin from the right away.t.me